
Showing posts from August, 2024

HLE Viper | Why is Gen.G always so difficult to play against?

Post-match interview with Viper following a 3:0 victory vs T1: Translation of the interview uploaded on Aug-29 by e-focus esports | 2 024 LCK Summer Playoffs Round 2 Match 2   Source:  이포커스 e스포츠 , Q: What are your thoughts on the win? Honestly, we reached close to the finals in the Spring season as well. But in the end, I realized that if you don’t actually progress to the finals, it doesn’t mean much. So even though we won 3-0 cleanly today, I’m not feeling particularly excited or anything. Q: Before the match, most of the fans and LCK Crew's predictions all favored Hanhwa's victory.  Were you nervous at all before today’s match? As I mentioned earlier, since it's the second round of the playoffs there was still another chance even if we lost, so I didn’t feel too pressured. The main thing is how we get to the finals and how we perform there. Although  playing my best,  I tried not to focus too much on today's game in

GEN.G Lehends | To Chovy's message: "The boughs that bear most hang lowest"

Post-match interview with Lehends following a 3:0 victory vs Dplus Kia: Translation of the interview uploaded on Aug-28 by e -focus esports  | 2024 LCK Summer Playoffs Round 2 Match 1   Source:  이포커스 e스포츠 ,  Q: How do you feel after finishing with a win? I'm very happy to finish with a win. Now, I'm focusing on doing well in the next match. Q: Your form seemed particularly good today, pretty much a POG-level performance across all 3 games.  I was actually quite worried because it was my first time playing Poppy in a tournament, but I'm relieved that it went better than expected. Q: Today, every players came in wearing sunglasses except for Kiin. Did you not tell Kiin beforehand? No, Kiin was the only one who wanted to wear glasses (laughs). Q: You previously said a raccoon's emote is more cute (than GenRang)? Actually when I look closely, GenRang is a lot more cute. (After GenRang) it's followed by Nongshim's. I

T1 Oner | T1 who becomes stronger in Playoffs "HLE, hope you watch out for us"

                                       Post-match interview with Oner following a 3:1 victory vs KT Rolster: Translation of the interview uploaded on Aug-25 by  PF esports  | 2024 LCK Summer Playoffs Round 1 Match 2   Q: How do you feel about today's win? I'm very happy because if we had lost in the first round of the playoffs, we would have had to go to the regional qualifiers. I'm relieved and glad that we advanced to the second round of the playoffs. Q: How satisfied are you with your performance today? I don't think it was perfect. There were moments where I felt uncertain. While there were good plays, I also made mistakes, so I'm a bit disappointed. I didn’t fully capitalize on the advantages I had in favorable situations. If I patch up those areas, I would think I can show a better form in the second round. Q: It was hard to predict the outcome of this match between the two teams. How was your condition today? My condition was good. People might have said that

DK Moham | "We didn't win because I played Rell well but because my teammates believed in me"

                    Post-match interview with Moham following a 3:1 victory vs BNK FearX: Translation of the interview uploaded on  Aug 23rd by  fo mos esports  | 2024 LCK Summer Playoffs Round 1 Match 1   Q: Please introduce yourself. Hello, I'm Moham Jung Jae-hoon, the support for Dplus KIA. Q: How do you feel taking out the victory? First of all, today was my first playoffs as a pro, and to be honest, while it was tough, it was also a lot of fun. Q: You came up from CL (Challengers League) to make it to the main roster again for playoffs. Frankly it's been really rough for me as I had to take a break for half a year. Watching other LCK teams particular like Kwangdong matches, I did keep blaming myself thinking 'that should have been my place.' I considered giving up many times, but I believed I had talent. So I kept going, following the daily routine of pro players without missing a day. Q: How did you get an offer of recruitment? Last year, I was a starter for Kwang

GEN.G Kiin | "I've been here last year too..."

               Post-match interview with Kiin following a 2:0 victory vs HLE: Translation of the interview uploaded on Aug-18 by  KMIBGesports   | Week 9, 2024 LCK Summer Split Q: Feelings on the victory | I would like to ask how you feel about today's victory? I feel great because we wrapped up the last regular-season match with a clean 2-0 win. Q: Key to winning 2-0 | HLE is not an easy opponent, was there a secret formula to such a clean win? There's no special secret. We were focused on HLE since we might face them in the playoffs, so we put a lot of thought into our playstyle against them. Honestly, the Nasus pick in the first game wasn’t planned - it just seemed right at the moment.  Q: Was Nasus a spontaneous pick? I wouldn't be able to disclose the exact champion, but Nasus was more of a backup choice so we didn't really prepare for it. Q:   Your thoughts on Nasus |  Nasus has been picked in LPL as well and Morgan also used it before. Are you thinking this is a

T1 Faker | "PO with KT? It will be a very gripping match"

           Post-match interview with Faker following a 2:0 victory vs BNK FearX: Translation of the interview uploaded Aug-18 by  Daily Esports  | Week 9, 2024 LCK Summer Split Source:  삑터뷰  DESLoL, Q: T1 finished LCK Summer Split as fourth after beating BNK FearX. We won against BNK with a 2-0 victory, and I feel more light-hearted to finish the regular season on a high note. It’s also a relief because we defeated an opponent who beat us in the first round.  Q: What were some of the disappointments and positive aspects looking back on the regular reason?  This summer season, our performance wasn't great overall. But we gained valuable experiences which I think aren't easily obtainable and so I am satisfied with those aspects. However, it was a shame that time flew by when we could have found better ways to overcome those challenges. Today, our team's overall positioning was ok and we communicated fluidly, which I’m pleased

T1 Gumayusi | "If I Could Only Meet One of Three Stars To Have a Meal With, I Would Choose Actress Park Bo-young'"

  Post-match interview with Gumayusi, following a 2:0 victory vs BNK FearX: Translation of the interview uploaded on Aug-17 by  PF Esports  | Week 9, 2024 LCK Summer Split Q: What are your thoughts on today's victory? I wanted to check up on our form before the playoffs, and I'm happy that we won with a clean 2:0. Q: How satisfied are you with today's performance? Overall, I think we performed well. Personally, I felt that my early laning phase in the first set could have been better so I think it would be good to improve on that.  Q: Comparing last year to this year, what kind of progression has there been?  With time, everyone does naturally improve but I think I’ve grown both mentally and skill-wise. Q: What do you think about the changes to Senna after the patch?  From the videos I watched after the patch, it seems like she has more of a healer vibe now. Now that (Senna) will be used with adc, I think it might make it easier for Minseok (Keria) to use Senna. Q: Tell us