T1 Gumayusi | "If I Could Only Meet One of Three Stars To Have a Meal With, I Would Choose Actress Park Bo-young'"


Post-match interview with Gumayusi, following a 2:0 victory vs BNK FearX:

Translation of the interview uploaded on Aug-17 by PF Esports | Week 9, 2024 LCK Summer Split

Q: What are your thoughts on today's victory?

I wanted to check up on our form before the playoffs, and I'm happy that we won with a clean 2:0.

Q: How satisfied are you with today's performance?

Overall, I think we performed well. Personally, I felt that my early laning phase in the first set could have been better so I think it would be good to improve on that. 

Q: Comparing last year to this year, what kind of progression has there been? 

With time, everyone does naturally improve but I think I’ve grown both mentally and skill-wise.

Q: What do you think about the changes to Senna after the patch? 

From the videos I watched after the patch, it seems like she has more of a healer vibe now. Now that (Senna) will be used with adc, I think it might make it easier for Minseok (Keria) to use Senna.

Q: Tell us about the behind the scenes of picking "three stars you'd like to have a meal with"?

I’ve liked Park Bo-young for a long time. Recently, when she supported us that created a bit of a connection, so that’s why I named her. I also like actor Jo Jung-suk, and after watching the movie "Pilot," I thought of him. Since I had already chosen two actors, I decided to pick Ha Jung-woo, another actor I like, to make it to three. 

Q: Your teammates all picked Son Heung-min? 

Son Heung-min is an amazing player, and we had the chance to meet him before. But I didn’t expect that everyone except me would pick him (laughs), which became a bit awkward. 

Q: If you could only meet one of the actors you chose, who would it be? 

I’d like to have a meal with Park Bo-young. I want to have a casual conversation (laughs), not anything too special, but maybe ask her about her life as a great actress. 

Q: What would you be mindful of if you face KT in the playoffs? 

This applies to any team, but I think drafting well is crucial. KT is a team with many variables, so we need to be careful about that. 

Q: T1 performs well on the big stage. What’s the secret? 

First of all, I think all our players have a high peak potential. Also, there’s no room for hesitation in the playoffs, so everyone gives their best. 

Q: What would you say about the new patch for the playoffs? 

It seems like the patch is taking on a different direction from the regular season. We need to figure out how the meta will change and adapt to it quickly. 

Q: What are your resolutions heading into the playoffs and a message for the fans? 

It feels a bit surreal that Summer season is already over, but since we’ve made it to the playoffs, I’ll do my best to prepare well so that we can produce good results. We will keep on fighting! Thank you.


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