GEN.G Kiin | "I've been here last year too..."


Post-match interview with Kiin following a 2:0 victory vs HLE:

Translation of the interview uploaded on Aug-18 by KMIBGesports | Week 9, 2024 LCK Summer Split

Q: Feelings on the victory | I would like to ask how you feel about today's victory?

I feel great because we wrapped up the last regular-season match with a clean 2-0 win.

Q: Key to winning 2-0 | HLE is not an easy opponent, was there a secret formula to such a clean win?

There's no special secret. We were focused on HLE since we might face them in the playoffs, so we put a lot of thought into our playstyle against them. Honestly, the Nasus pick in the first game wasn’t planned - it just seemed right at the moment. 

Q: Was Nasus a spontaneous pick?

I wouldn't be able to disclose the exact champion, but Nasus was more of a backup choice so we didn't really prepare for it.

Q:  Your thoughts on Nasus | Nasus has been picked in LPL as well and Morgan also used it before. Are you thinking this is a pick that can certainly be used in the league? 

I think Nasus has clear strengths and weaknesses. Lately, top lane champions have been nerfed a lot, and with so many champions having distinct pros and cons, I eventually ended up considering Nasus while looking for a viable pick.

Q: After the first gank, it looked like it was going to be a tough road ahead from Nasus' perspective. How did you try to carry out the game? 

When I first got ganked, I had intended to survive using Flash. But I couldn't with Sejuani's knock-up and I died which a was bit of  a big deal. After that, I tried to hold on as much as possible with even farming and waiting for Nidalee to come by.

Q: Later on, Nasus had the upper hand in side lanes very effortlessly. From your perspective, from when do you Nasus' strengths come about?

People generally think that Nasus needs to stack up to be strong in side lanes and on 1v1s. But while Nasus wasn't being utilized much, he received a lot of buffs. When I first used him in 2017, he definitely needed stacks to be strong. But now, with the cooldown reduction on Q after using his ultimate, Nasus doesn’t need as many stacks to be strong in 1v1s.

Q: If I'm remembering correctly, you brought out Nasus against Maokai in the promotion match. Was that right? 

(Chuckling) I don't remember exactly either.

Q: Purpose of the gameplay after lane swap in Game 2 | You picked Renekton in the second set and Gen.G appeared to be struggling in the process of lane swap. In level 1, you had started with invading into the enemy jungle in level 1. I am curious about what kind of play were you planning? 

We initiated the lane swap, and from a top laner’s view, it was more about finding things to do, like invading the enemy jungle to disrupt them. 

Q: But during the process, Gen.G seemed to incur some deficit. Following on from this what was your game plan?

I couldn't actually farm much and Kennen was able to so there was a fair bit of different in levels. So I focused on maintaining my health and farming under the turret as much as possible.

Q: Performing well in the late game with Renekton | They say Renekton is a champion that loses its job in late game but your Renekton was able to stay effective even in late game. Were there any special formula?

Even though the early game didn't go well, Canyon’s gank in the mid-game helped me to recover. From that point, the game became manageable.

Q: Reflections on this Summer | You have ended the regular season with today's match. Looking back what was this season like for you?

We ended the Summer Split with a 17-1 win-loss record but in fact it was the same last year. So, there’s no particular excitement about it, but I'm just determined to do my best in the playoffs and aim for the championship.

Q: Playoff Mindset | Frankly speaking, playoffs are more important right, and there are patch changes in the playoffs too. So it looks like you will need to prepare more. What is your resolution going into playoffs and how will you prepare for it?

Since some champions have received nerfs and buffs, and with Doran’s Blade changes, I think the champion tier list might shift. We will need to try to identify the best meta champions.

Q: From what I remember, Riot Games didn't make blatant nerf or buffs to top lane champions in the patch note. Do you personally think there will be significant changes in the top lane too? 

Doran’s Blade was nerfed and the major champions building Doran's Blade would be Gnar, Jayce and Kennen. So I will have to test its performance by playing those champions. As the damage deal wasn’t reduced, I will have to actually see what it's like by playing them. There are only the playoffs left and it felt good when I won during Spring. So I would like to do my best and take out the win again this Summer. 

Q: Wellbeing Management | There are about 10 days in between (till the next match), how would you manage your physical condition?

Lately, I’ve been feeling low on energy, possibly due to the hot weather. I will have to focus on managing my condition as much as I can. 

Q: You won your first title in Spring even though you have made it to playoffs multiple times. Was there anything new you learnt like gameplay strategy or managing your physical wellbeing in your experience of taking the championship? 

Going into the finals, I actually tried to maintain the same routine as usual, rather than making any major changes. Thank you (bows). 

 Source: 롤민일보 KMIBGesports


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