DK Moham | "We didn't win because I played Rell well but because my teammates believed in me"


Post-match interview with Moham following a 3:1 victory vs BNK FearX:

Translation of the interview uploaded on Aug 23rd by fomos esports | 2024 LCK Summer Playoffs Round 1 Match 1  

Q: Please introduce yourself.

Hello, I'm Moham Jung Jae-hoon, the support for Dplus KIA.

Q: How do you feel taking out the victory?

First of all, today was my first playoffs as a pro, and to be honest, while it was tough, it was also a lot of fun.

Q: You came up from CL (Challengers League) to make it to the main roster again for playoffs.

Frankly it's been really rough for me as I had to take a break for half a year. Watching other LCK teams particular like Kwangdong matches, I did keep blaming myself thinking 'that should have been my place.' I considered giving up many times, but I believed I had talent. So I kept going, following the daily routine of pro players without missing a day.

Q: How did you get an offer of recruitment?

Last year, I was a starter for Kwangdong, and I always aimed for a first-string position, whether overseas or elsewhere. When the offer first came from Damwon's second-string team, I initially declined. But Coach Hachani told me that mechanics-wise I was the best and that he could help me develop further. Even though I had opportunities to go abroad as first-string, I decided to join Damwon CL as I believed Hachani was saying that because he was truly confident and to improve myself. Also, Damwon was always first place in Challengers so I was always curious too.

Q: After joining Damwon, how much have your skills improved?

Before joining Damwon's second team, I didn't feel like I was truly playing support. But I learned a lot from Coach Hachani, who had previously played as Support in LCK and I felt had in-depth knowledge about the role. I believe I've grown two to three times more compared to last year. 

Q: How did you feel after hearing about your call-up?

At first, I felt a bit of a weight being suddenly called up, but I also thought it could be a chance to show how I've improved from last year and redeem myself from quite disappointing performance. I had a mix of the pressure but also that it will be very enjoyable.

Q: I don't think it would have been easy to adjust the initial stage of after the call-up.

Our team atmosphere is quite light, not heavy. So even if I don't play well, they feedback jokingly ("Ah... Moham?" - note, "Moham" in Korean sounds similar to another word that means "what are you doing?") so that I don't criticise myself too harsly. For example, Seong-hoon (Kingen) hyung always praises me after the game on the areas I did well. Ha-ram (Aiming) hyung always gives me feedback if I had some unsatisfying plays. He says he will creates situations to deal damage so told me I can always engage if I'm confident. Their encouragement made me feel more at ease. 

Q: You showed great performance with Rell today.

It's not just about playing Rell well but was more about the trust amongst teammates that made things work out. Rell, as a champion, requires a lot of risk-taking and careful observation of the enemy's positioning since Rell needs to initate through physical engage. I think Rell's a very versatile support. My confidence comes from realising that my teammates see the same opportunities that I do. 

Q: Now, there is a mtach against a really formidatlbe team.

Although facing strong teams can be intimidating, we’ve made it to the second round. While our mindset is to win, I’ll also learn as much as I can.

Q: Please share your last message as we finish up on the interview.

I’m sure there were times when fans were apprehensive and doubtful about me, but thanks to their support, I was able to play with a refreshing performance today. Even though only strong teams remain, I’ll do my best to win. Thank you. (Smiles) 

 Source: fomos esports, 


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