GEN.G Lehends | To Chovy's message: "The boughs that bear most hang lowest"

Post-match interview with Lehends following a 3:0 victory vs Dplus Kia:

Translation of the interview uploaded on Aug-28 by e-focus esports | 2024 LCK Summer Playoffs Round 2 Match 1 

Source: 이포커스 e스포츠 

Q: How do you feel after finishing with a win?

I'm very happy to finish with a win. Now, I'm focusing on doing well in the next match.

Q: Your form seemed particularly good today, pretty much a POG-level performance across all 3 games. 

I was actually quite worried because it was my first time playing Poppy in a tournament, but I'm relieved that it went better than expected.

Q: Today, every players came in wearing sunglasses except for Kiin. Did you not tell Kiin beforehand?

No, Kiin was the only one who wanted to wear glasses (laughs).

Q: You previously said a raccoon's emote is more cute (than GenRang)?

Actually when I look closely, GenRang is a lot more cute. (After GenRang) it's followed by Nongshim's. I would like to correct it! 

Q: You showcased Poppy in the first game today. Both First blood and Malphite's kill were both created from your Poppy. You looked really busy with Poppy running around every time there was a lane swap. 

It was particularly impressive how you grabbed lane dominance and roaming to top in between. I am curious how you  the initial stage of the game?

Poppy is a strong champion in the early game, but her value diminishes as time goes on, so I had to be active and work hard to capitalize on her strengths, which led to good results. I was satisfied with the Poppy in the first set. 

Q: Draft in the second set was quite interesting with Top Corki, Mid Garen and Support Blitzcrank. Mid Garen would have been a counter-pick for Nasus. How was the draft and composition in the second game?

Honestly, the top side was a bit chaotic, so I wasn't sure. During scrims, we saw some astounding kill opportunities from champion picked in ARAM or high tier solo queues. I felt like I shouldn't interfere too much, so I focused on adapting to the new picks.

Q: How did you feel playing on Patch 14.16 today? 

First of all, it seems like there's definitely more variety than compared to the previous patch. Our practice time for the patch version was very short, so everyone seems to be in the process of adjusting to it and that's probably why a lot of new picks are emerging.

Q: You were v voted as POG in the second set with astonishing accuracy with Blitzcrank. You are continuing to carry in big games. How satisfied were you with the performance on Blitzcrank?

I actually think I am good at Blitz and I think I am pretty much the only player out of the Supports playing Blitz. At MSI, I got really lucky and now I can't help constantly thinking about that time with all my dopamine rush. 

So, I do think it's a bit disappointing (comparatively) thinking about what could have been better, as I grabbed so much at MSI.

Q: Oh you think this performance wasn't up to the level at MSI?

At MSI, apparently I successfully grabbed about 23 times out of 31 attempts. So I am a little disappointed (compared to then).

Q: At the third set, the opponent left Ziggs open and composed the draft to play around it. What do you think are the reasons for why Dplus Kia was not banning Ziggs to keep giving it over?

Our players have such a wide champion pool and can create a variety of strategic compositions. So I felt that they were always trying to avoid facing the hardest composition. I think they probably left it open as the second-best option because if they had to ban Ziggs as well, then another good champion would have been available. 

Q: Right, I see. The game was already half won by taking out Nasus twice in a row in the beginning of third set. I am curious as to who designed the strategy to target Nasus?

I think we got Nasus about 3 times in total. We communicated to keep targeting Nasus because Vi could only be in the bottom Jungle - so was not in a position to come up. Thankfully, we got a good result out of it. 

Q: With this match, you have achieved 5000 assists. Last time during the interview with Chovy, we asked him to comment on it. Chovy said that Si-woo hyung (Lehends) is not taking it as a big deal and that he will add another trophy to your record instead. What would you like to say about that?

Well, I would say "firstly don't be cocky or complacent... And always work hard". They say "the boughs that bear most hang lowest" (Korean proverb: "rice bows lower, the more it ripens") right. Why are you finding this so funny? (to the caster who is laughing).

Of course, I don't dwell too heavily on 5000 assists. As a return, I would like to gift Chovy a championship trophy too.

Q: Kiin also made another record as the first Top laner to play 700 games (in LCK). Could you send a congratulatory message?

(Laughing) Uh... Kiin thank you for putting up with all my banter at the gaming house. I hope to get closer to you so we can share more full on jokes!

Q: I will look forward to it! Now, you have spent this past year as the team leader of Gen.G. How was it? 

All the players are great, and there’s so much to learn from each of them. I've been learning a lot, not just about the game but also about the mindset and practice environment necessary for improvement. I think that even after I stop being a pro gamer, I believe I have learned so much this year that I will become a better person.

Q: Ok, well Chovy said it seems like Si-woo hyung (Lehends) needs to continue as the team captain next year. What do you say to that?

(To Chovy) Don't fool around please. (To the caster) I really don't like being the captain.

Second place has a good amount of authority and responsibility. While having the authority like the first place, there is less responsibility.

Q: Then who is in that position at Gen.G? 

Well, I do a lot of the hard work, like having to wear the hat and so on! I am always striving for second place - not second place in terms of standings - but in terms of authority. So I hope a lot of people support me for that. 

Q: Gen.G is just one step away from making it to Gyeongju. Have you ever been to Gyeongju before?

Yes, I think I traveled there a long time ago. 

Q: Oh, so you're not too excited then? 

Actually, Gyeongju is famous for mungtigi (raw meat sashimi/tartare), right? 

(To the caster) Do you like mungtigi? And do you also like Chungha (alcohol)? I really liked them together.

Q: Yes, I like both. So, you're looking forward to trying it again in Gyeongju? 

I really want to. The last time I went, it was so good even though it was a long time ago. I'm looking forward to it.

Q: I think a lot of fans are in a dilemma whether to book the accommodation in Gyeongju now. Would you say something to the fans?

Well, if you haven't booked something already, it's a bit too late so you missed out! There probably won't even be any train tickets left, so that's a pity. 

When you drink there, don't get too hammered. 

Make sure you don't litter - I get a little angry about how there's trash on the streets. 

I wish you all good health.

(Caster continues laughing) Hey, I can't talk because you keep laughing but... I shouldn't say that. So, I will just wish you all to have fun and make lots of fond memories.

Q: What are your goals heading into the last PO game?

I've always promised the fans that I will at least make it to Gyeongju which I have fulfilled as the first promise. I believe the real game starts from now so we'll continue pushing forward to take out the championship. Thank you.


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