T1 Oner | T1 who becomes stronger in Playoffs "HLE, hope you watch out for us"


Post-match interview with Oner following a 3:1 victory vs KT Rolster:

Translation of the interview uploaded on Aug-25 by PF esports | 2024 LCK Summer Playoffs Round 1 Match 2 

Q:How do you feel about today's win?

I'm very happy because if we had lost in the first round of the playoffs, we would have had to go to the regional qualifiers. I'm relieved and glad that we advanced to the second round of the playoffs.

Q: How satisfied are you with your performance today?

I don't think it was perfect. There were moments where I felt uncertain. While there were good plays, I also made mistakes, so I'm a bit disappointed. I didn’t fully capitalize on the advantages I had in favorable situations. If I patch up those areas, I would think I can show a better form in the second round.

Q: It was hard to predict the outcome of this match between the two teams. How was your condition today?

My condition was good. People might have said that because KT's peak performance is very high. While I agree with it to some extent, I focused on managing my physical condition, believing that we are the better team.

Q: T1 consistently targeted Pyosik in the draft phase. What was the reasoning behind that?

We banned those champions because Pyosik handles them well, and we think KT excels at supporting their mid-laner with champions like Ivern and Maokai. Banning those Jungler champions from the beginning made it easier for us to create our team composition.

Q: There were some unusual picks in other lanes. Did you want to try any interesting picks in the jungle?

I’ve thought about it a lot. But given the current meta, I feel like junglers need to sacrifice a bit because there are just a lot options for the laners.

Q: Now that your skin has been released, do you not want to play Lee Sin?

I think I’ve improved in solo queue, but there are still a lot of unknown factors in team games. While Lee Sin is definitely a strong champion if used well, he doesn’t seem to be the best fit for the current meta. So I think he's a grey pick. 

Q: Are there moments where you feel like 'I am doing really well'?

I don’t clearly remember the exact moments, but when I saw that I had created a Jungle gap in CS and XP, I felt that I was doing well and snowballing effectively.

Q: What are your thoughts on the rising meta-pick Smolder?

Smolder is a very high-scaling champion so it has a tendency to draw out games. KT is good at macro game play and prefers this playstyle, which is why I think it is a champion that KT has a preference for. I’m not sure if other teams will utilise Smolder as frequently. Without KT, I’m not sure how prominently Smolder would be used.

Q: Upon hearing about HLE vs T1, Gen.G vs DK, what was your reaction to this?

I thought it was a more straight-up choice. I believed it was more certain for them to pick DK than us. As soon as I heard that, I thought "ok that’s what happened".

Q: Are there any areas that need to be refined prior to the match with HLE?

Both games were certainly winnable, but we lost quite a few due to our own mistakes. I hope we can fix those issues. If we can use our advantages as we did today, I believe we can even aim for a 3-0. If we fix up those points, I think we can definitely win.

Q: Any words for Hanwha Life Esports?

I think Hanwha Life Esports is confident after defeating us in both the first and second rounds, but we’ve also beaten them many times. We’ve grown stronger in the playoffs, so they should be careful.

Q: Your resolution for the playoffs and a message to your fans?

I personally feel today’s performance was somewhat disappointing. I believe we can show a better performance in the second round. It will be really great if we get a good result but even if we don't, there is still another playoff and a lot of opportunities. We will work hard to win, so I hope our fans continue to believe in us and support us until the end.

Source: PF Esportshttps://youtu.be/pbjtrDZyReY?si=Q4heMMZJWeIf4Ew8


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