T1 Oner | Bulguksa, Cheomseongdae, T1 Let's Go

Post-match interview with Oner following a 3:1 victory vs DK:

Translation of the interview uploaded on Sep-01 by KMIBGesports | 2024 LCK Summer Playoffs Round 3 Match 2 

Q: Thoughts on the victory?

I'm incredibly grateful for this win, which allows us to head to Gyeongju. I really wanted to avoid the qualifiers, so I’m relieved we won.

Q: With no second chance, what was your mindset for the match?

It felt like a do-or-die match, but we’ve experienced such games and won often. didn't worry too much but I started out with the determination to win.

Q: How confident were you that you would win? 

First of all, we had beaten DK many times and rarely lost, so I had a lot of confidence. We discussed about adjusting our drafts quickly and thought our chances to win was high.

Q: Usually teams prepare hard for the first set. After losing that first set, what kind of feedback was given?

We had prepared several strategies. Even though we lost the first set, we immediately switched to the next plan and won. 

Q: What aspect did you think the team had to revise to be able to win?

With many AP champions in the bot lane in the current meta, we had to consider about lane swaps and thought that was the key pick. We focused heavily on mid-jungle plays.

Q: Even though T1 took the win, are there any identified areas for improvement?

I think we need to focus more on details, especially regarding the first voidgrubs. In the past, we didn’t get caught out often, but now we are, so we need to be more cautious.

Q: So many players seem to be stressed about the first voidgrubs regardless of positions and state that their lanes are suffering because of it. Since you mentioned the voidgrubs, what kind of detailed plays are required to acquire them first?

I do value the first voidgrubs highly which the opponent won't give up easily either. The composition of Mid and Top lanes are also important as well as levels of Support. So I do get stressed because there are so many factors to consider. But once you do take the first voidgrubs, the macro becomes easier so I value them highly.

Q: So you rank first voidgrubs higher than dragon? 

Yes, I think so.

Q: The top tier teams appear to rank Maokai highly. In today's series, Maokai was in a losing streak. What do you think the pros of Maokai are that normal people don't realise?

Maokai isn’t bad in jungling and excels in small skirmishes and team fights. Many teams like Maokai, but I also believe there are ways to counter him.

Q: I think you must have played a lot of Sejuani-Maokai match ups to the point you are probably a bit sick of it. What is your confidence like that match up whether you play Sejuani or Maokai?

I’ve played Sejuani so much that I know most matchups well. I had a lot of confidence in it. Although I hadn't faced Sejuani much as Maokai, I was confident since I had encountered Maokai a lot while playing Sejuani.

Q: You made a lot of successful ganks. An impressive moment was in the third set when you caught out Le Blanc to create First Blood. What did you think you had to set it up to be sure to succeed the gank?

First of all, I placed a ward early with the raptors and knew Maokai’s starting position. We found Maokai with the raptors and noticed its movement in placing vision in the Mid lane brush. From this we figured that there was no ward in the upper side. Also as the opponent did not have flash, we were pulling the wave and capitalized on that opportunity, which all worked out right.

Q: In the last (fourth) set, Lucid was looking to gank Top but you had counter-ganked them. You must have been the camera view of Lucid who was lamenting. Did you expect Lucid there at that time?

I didn't expect him to be in the brush but I suspected Maokai was nearby at Top. So I though about the possibility of a gank too. If he wasn’t there, we were in a position to dive, so we had the upper hand.

Q: With this win, you will be having a re-match with HLE. After the last loss, what kind of changes did you or the team think will need to make for a payback?

A loss is a loss. We’ve learned from our previous defeat and remember the mistakes we made. We will prepare thoroughly on what we need to do, especially in terms of draft. Then I’m confident that we deliver a Deja vu of Spring playoffs. As we play well in high stake matches too, we will manage our form and will prepare accordingly. 

Q: HLE was confident that this time round will be different to Spring. On the other hand, is T1 feeling confident that you will bring the same result as Spring? 

I do think we are quite confident. As we played against HLE, we didn't feel like we absolutely couldn't get over them but was more chiding about our mistakes. If we were to fix up on those then they are an opponent that we can definitely beat. 

Q: Message to the fans as you face the next match? 

I’m happy to be able to play in another region in Korea and to compete in front of more fans. Summer is almost over but I am grateful to the fans who backed us from the beginning. We’ll prepare well to send you off with smiles on your faces and aim to show feisty games. Thank you!

Source: 롤민일보, https://youtu.be/RUvmRRwijWo?si=9bFSIrul9lMcJsMX 


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