HLE Doran | We definitely grew stronger because of those emotions

Post-match interview with Doran following a 3:0 victory vs T1:

Translation of the interview uploaded on Aug-29 by KMIBGesports 2024 LCK Summer Playoffs Round 2 Match 2 

Q: Comments on today's match?
I expected today's match against T1 to be very close, but we played as we prepared and secured a 3-0 win. I’m satisfied that we secured our spot to Gyeongju early on.

Q: Formula to the 3-0 victory?
We had a long break before the playoffs. During that time, we worked on areas where we were lacking. The hard work paid off in today's match. Currently, with champions like Ziggs that are good at taking down towers quickly, side lane management has become very important in this meta. I think we’re improving on areas we were previously missing out, but we’re still a work in progress.

Q: Ideas on Vladimir?
These days, the meta has become chaotic with champions even like Garen appearing. I considered using Vladimir since he recently received item buffs, but the right opportunity didn't come about until today. I believe we picked him well against Kennen. 

In the first skirmish with the void grubs, it was crucial to leverage Vladimir's control. In the first set, our compostion was weaker in skirmishes, so Vladimir’s potential didn’t fully shine.

Q: You struggled with Renekton in the second set.
I think T1’s lane swap was very clever, and my response wasn't perfect, which led to the difficulties. I will need to review and feedback on that. I also think T1's macro management was well done by utilizing Olaf’s strengths. 

Q: Nowadays Olaf first pick for Top are looking favorable as casters mentioned. What are your thoughts on dealing with Olaf?

I had thoughts on various off-meta champions during the draft but my suggestions weren't well-received. We'll need to discuss more about Olaf when we review the match.

Q: Why did you focus on bot tower instead of top wave in the third set?
We’ve been practicing how to respond to frequent lane swaps in recent times. There were various strategies, but in that game, we decided to invest fair bit of time in bot lane since the opponent had swapped. It was tough when I teleported back to top, but we resolved it well as a team which led to a good game.

Q: Next match is with Gen.G whom you lost to in the Sumer regular season. I would think the team reflected on the Gen.G match. What are your thoughts on the kind of changes that the team will make to get a different outcome?

Honestly, after losing to Gen.G at the end of the regular season, the team felt highly frustrated and learnt a lot. That experience helped us improve and perform better today. If we maintain this mindset and play well in the next match, I believe we can win.

Q: Any words for the fans?
We’ve secured our spot in the semi-finals, but we won’t be satisfied with just that. We’ll work hard until the end so we can smile when it's all over. Thank you.

Source: @KMIBGesports, https://youtu.be/R_zGeNgKE_I?si=AM-EeHDAqmejH6Yo


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