GEN.G Kiin | The Cool-Headed Young Man

Post-match interview with Kiin following a 3:1 victory vs HLE:

Translation of the interview uploaded on Aug-31 by KMIBGesports | 2024 LCK Summer Playoffs Round 3 Match 1 

Q: Thoughts on today’s 3-1 victory?
Even though we won 3-1, it wasn’t a clean victory, so that was a shame, but I’m very happy we secured our spot in the finals.

Q: I'm sure you prepared diligently for this match. What did you focus on most against HLE?
We focused a lot on the draft rather than the in-game aspects. During the game, we noticed that the opponent targeted the top lane more than expected to group up and benefited from it. So we continuously adjusted our feedback in-game.

Q: What feedback did you give after losing the first set - regarding yourself or for the team?
After losing the first set, we primarily reviewed our composition and the significant setback we experienced during the lane swap phase. While it’s hard to go into detail due to  typically, a lane swap may lead to one lane losing out, but losing two lanes was quite regrettable.

Q: The unexpected solo kill in the first set—what went wrong from your calculations?

I had three biscuits and didn’t expect to die in one hit. I was planning to recall after draining some of the opponent’s health and mana, but even after using a biscuit, I died instantly. I thought perhaps I should have taken two biscuits instead. 

Q: If you take two biscuits does your HP regenerate instantly?

I’m not entirely sure, but based on my experience, consuming two biscuits seemed to restore health faster, though this isn’t certain.

Q: Why did you switch K’Sante’s summoner spell from Ghost in first set to Flash in later set?
I usually choose spells based on the opponent's composition. In the first set, I thought there would be more situations to use Ghost, but it didn’t come up as often as I expected. So, I chose Flash in the next set, as I thought it would be more useful.

Q: Even though you lost the first set, you caught Sejuani off guard. Just on top of my head, there was Aphelios in the finals and Oner's Lilia in the last game. Is there a secret to catching the enemy off guard so well, particularly with your K’Sante? 

It depends on the situation, but during skirmishes, I look for opportunities when I see a good angle to engage.

Q: In the second and third set, although HLE had their moments of the upperhand, eventually Gen.G took the win. What’s the key to Gen.G’s strength in the late game?
Our team members are good at setting up team fights and constantly think about what’s the best move in their respective positions. I believe that’s why we excel in team fights. 

Q: What are your secret to operating a good macro?

We talk a lot during the game and constantly think about our next steps, which I think is key to good macro play.

Q: After the patch changes, you have played two matches where you won one series with 3:0 and another with 3:1. How confident are you about patch 14.16 in terms of the meta assessment?

Although we’ve beaten DK and Hanwha Life, I think the current meta is quite chaotic, especially from a top laner’s perspective. Top champion pool feels somewhat limited, so I need to keep thinking about which champions are best. The top lane meta right now feels particularly challenging.

Q: There are a wide range of champions being played in Top lane like Olaf and Vladimir. What do you think about that?

I do think there there is room for various champions. During the in-game due to lane swaps etc there are so many variables in champion compatibility so I think that's a matter that requires more thought. 

Q: In such situation with a lot of variabilities, would that mean this is more favorable to you Kiin who is an experienced player?

As everyone has to play in the same situation, if you do have more experience your decision-making could be faster. However, since all the remaining players (in playoffs) all have a wealth of experience, I don't think experience will make a huge difference. Rather, I think it will matter on how the player's condition is on the day.

Q: In this off-adc meta which is similar to 2018, would there be more merit to those who experienced that meta?

I think there is definitely an advantage if you played professionally then. Firstly though, I don't think this meta is well-suited to Top coming from a Top laner's view. I personally find this meta is one that causes a bit of a headache for Top.  

Q: You have made it to the finals which is a second (LCK) finals this year and for the third time in your career. Do you have any special methods for mental preparation before the finals?
Instead of a special mindset for big matches, I focus on managing my physical condition. I believe if I maintain my usual routine and manage my condition well, I can win. I do think that managing one's condition is most important. 

Q: Which team do you think will advance to the finals?
DK and T1 still have to play, and the winner will face Hanwha Life. Based on current form, I think Hanwha Life has the highest chance of progressing. 

Q: That's a little suprising as I didn't think you would respond to that. What's your reasoning?

They recently beat T1 3-0, so it seems like Hanwha Life has adapted to the meta quicker and displayed strong performance.

Q: Why did you advise against Lehends picking Blitzcrank?
Honestly, I didn’t say much about it. I think it was highlighted for fun. Instead of focusing on Blitzcrank, I was more concerned about my top lane champion pick and didn't really dwell on it.

Q: Thoughts on the upcoming finals?
I haven’t thought much about it yet. Now that only the finals are left, I believe managing my condition is the most important thing. I’ll focus on that and do my best to win the championship. Thank you.

Source: @KMIBGesports, 


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