GEN.G Chovy | "Personally, I am on point with Garen"

Post-match interview with Chovy following a 3:1 victory vs HLE:

Translation of the interview uploaded on Aug-31 by PF Esports | 2024 LCK Summer Playoffs Round 3 Match 1 

Source: PF Esports.

Q: Comment on how you feel about today's victory?
Securing the 3:1 win after the playoff match with HLE and confirming our spot in the finals feels relieving and puts me in a good state of mind. 

Q: What feedback did the team share after losing the first set?
Although we had some setbacks early on. As a team, we felt a bit rushed, which was a shame. Personally, with Zeri, I should have scaled better and looked for good counter-attack opportunities. But I couldn’t show that in the first set, which was disappointing.

Q: What was the most satisfying part of the team’s performance today?
Recently, amongst the team, we've been focusing on our movement and associated tactics which have been crucial in lane swaps. I think we did a pretty good job in those aspects, especially in terms of team movements during objectives timing.

Q: Why did you choose Zhonya’s Hourglass as a survival item in the 4th set?
The opponent’s main combo was combining Malphite with Ziggs' ultimate. When I finished the three core items with Corki, I judged that my damage wouldn't be lacking. Their game plan was to burst either Jhin or me in one go, to turn the game around, so I picked Zhonya’s to block that. Guardian Angel was also an option that costs 3200 gold. While Zhonya’s is 3,000 gold, since I could mix in the Stopwatch with the 1,000 gold that I had at that time, it seemed more efficient. Also, if I blocked Vi's ultimate, they wouldn’t have any follow-up, making it a cleaner way to nullify the incoming attacks.

Q: Do you usually research lane matchups with Kiin?
I don’t really research lane match-ups but I do study champions quite a bit. That’s about it.

Q: Between you and Kiin, who do you think is better at playing Garen?
When comparing us, I think it’s clear that I showed moments of higher proficiency with Garen. I understand the key attributes and have more confidence in playing him even when comparing with players other than Kiin so I'm confident. It largely depends on the player’s skill, and knowing the timing to use Q is crucial. The difference in dexterity and understanding of when to use Q and W sets players apart.

Q: Is that why you said Garen is difficult to play?
Yes, if you 
activate Q skill first and fight Nasus, with thinking you are going to win, there can be times where you die. 

Q: What’s the best part about having Lehends on the same team?
The most significant thing is that it’s really fun. Also, Lehends plays a big role in keeping the team morale positive. Besides that, Lehends is an excellent player in terms of his  so we have a good synergy. This leads to achieving good results, and I think that’s why we often make it to the finals.

Q: How do you want to be remembered at Gen.G?
I don’t really think about how I want to be remembered. I think of it is as embedding my presence. Someday, there will come a time when I’m no longer active at Gen.G. When that day comes, I don’t necessarily want to be remembered (in a particular way). However, I hope people remember that I was there during a time when Gen.G was shining. That’s all I wish for.

Q: What are your thoughts on being compared to Knight as a rival, given your similar careers?
Personally, I don’t really think of anyone as a rival. Career-wise, we’re both strong Mid laners, except that we play in different leagues. But I think because of that, it doesn't really occur to me that he is my rival. If we played in the same league though, as I consider him a very competent player, I may have seen him as my rival.

Q: What will you focus on while preparing for the finals?
We need to go back and discuss game aspects as a team. How we use the remaining time is crucial, so we’ll have to decide that together.

Q: Any words for the fans cheering for you?
We’ll make sure to show our best performance in the finals so you can cheer loudly for us again.


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