GEN.G Canyon | "I'm more pleased about the 3:0 victory than defeating my former team"

Post-match interview with Canyon following a 3:0 victory vs DK:

Translation of the interview uploaded on Aug-28 by fomos esports | 2024 LCK Summer Playoffs Round 2 Match 1 

Q: Please introduce yourself.

Hello, (bows) I am Canyon, the jungler of Gen.G

Q: How do you feel about the match?

I honestly didn't expect us to win so cleanly with 3:0 today, but it feels great to have done so. 

Q: You won against your former team.

We've faced each other a lot over the past year, so it didn't feel anything special and was just happy that we won. 

Q: It seems like you would be happy to win against DK where Gen.G played till full 5 sets. 

Every time we play against DK, we usually won it the hard way with 3-2 or 3-1 match. I thought today would be tough too, but I'm pleasantly surprised myself too that we won so decisively.

Q: What do you think about this patch? 

Regarding the jungle, I don't think much has changed. The bot lane items got nerfed, and there were some changes on the laning side.

Q: How do you feel about the changes during game plays?

I didn't particularly notice changes but it feels like new champions, like Nasus, are changing the game direction. Each match requires different tactics.

Q: If you could talk about today's series?

In the first set, we had a comfortable team composition, so we played comfortably. In the second set, the opponent brought out picks like Vi and Taliyah and side-controlled the map well in mid to late game. That was a bit tricky. However, we managed to build a significant lead early on, so that helped us out. 

Q: You took a lot of kills with Skarner in the third set.

My champion was really tanky after getting so many kills, making it easier to play upfront. Although it was a takner, it was more fun to play than I had expected.

Q: You now have to face either Peanut or Oner. 

Both players are really good and fit well with their teams. Rather than talking about them as individual players but I would consider about how they they meld within the team. T1's picks  have more variables from the beginning, HLE likes to crouch low and charge their power to play very steadily in team fights.

Q: Which team is more tricky to play against out of HLE or T1?

Both teams are challenging. But if I had to pick, T1 has a more varied champion pool, making them a bit trickier to face. 

Q: What did you think about Chovy practicing Garen?

Frankly speaking, I was a bit skeptical at first whether it was good, but I'm happy we proved ourselves today.

Q: How much did you exhibit out of everything that you prepared?

To be honest, I think I played very standard champions. I don't really know actually (Laughs). Today I only played 2 champions too. But I am preparing a wide range of picks so I think I have displayed only a part of it.

Q: Are you also preparing picks that will dumbfound the crowd?

Haha, I am continuously trying to look for such picks. I'm not too sure myself if they will be able to get stage time. 

Q: Winning two more matches will secure the team's fifth consecutive championship.

I'm always aiming to set new records and more the better. So I do yearn for it.

Q: Your ticket to Europe is guaranteed.

I visited Europe when I was 19 and found the streets along the city were distinct to Korea. It was a great experience but I couldn't stay there long as I only reached quarterfinals. This time, I want to make it to the finals and experience more. 

Q: Last messages as we end the interview?

Thank you to the fans for your support. We won with a clean 3:0 today and we'll aim to win the next match just as cleanly with another 3:0. Thank you.

Source: fomos esports, 


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